Sonja Black, developmental editor
You wrote a book!
That is genuinely awesome. Everybody loves to tell themselves they’ve got a novel in them, or a memoir, or a how-to manual, but the fraction of people who actually undertake to write it is small. The fraction who persevere to completion is vanishingly small.
Already you are in elite company.
Most writers then wonder, is it any good? When you remember the exhilaration of writing a scene that had you captivated, or the pride of completing the manuscript, you may well think it is. Other days, when you remember your day job has nothing to do with writing, when you hear how hard getting published is, or when an agent sends you a rejection letter, you may feel it isn’t.
But you’re tenacious, so next you wonder how to fix it.
That’s what developmental editors are for. I help you see what needs fixing in the areas of writing craft, character development, story structure, and overall organization. I help you understand what to do to make sure your book really is good.
Click on over to Editing to learn how the process works, or Contact me to get started.